Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Chinese New Year eve! Guess what? I got to wear black! Haha! Granted, it had some grey print on it, but it was black and my jeans were black and no-one nagged at me about it! :D Had some great duck and my aunt's amazing soup (among other things) at my aunt's place right before we headed off for my AhMa's place. Where got to eat yummy steamboat. And found out another cousin of mine was also wearing all black. Hehe. Rebellious. Talked talked, laughed laughed, watched a bit of the Grudge on pea's PSP before it ran out of batt, watched my parents take turns to sleep in the other rooms then left earlyish so that can get home to pass kor's lappy to him (he will be coming by later). Overall... not a bad CNY eve. (: I kind of want to go to the countdown and fireworks at Chinatown but no-one to go with. Actually had one special person in mind... But. Oh well.
It's hard to believe that in a split second
Everything can change.
10:13 PM
Well. A new day new mood and a new me! Woke up at 5am to go fetch my dad and pea from the airport with mutti. Haha, kind of charged at my brother when I saw him and he did his neat little lift-me-up-and-swing-me-around thing. It was very nice. How I've missed that bugger. Can't wait for him to hopefully join me over here next year - fingers crossed! His hair is long like crazy which Elaine will probably be delighted about chopping it all off and he looks as good-looking as ever.
Seriously, why is it that my brother got all the good-looking genes in the family? He's so shuai lor. Sigh. Haha!
Popa was cute as ever "Aiyoh! Wei se me yao hua juang dao zhe yang!" referring to my eyeliner. My masses of dark black smudgy eyeliner. LOL. Apparently the fight over the phone never happened. Which is kind of wierd cause I'm still pissed over it.
Anyway, we had breakfast together at Pasir Ris then home-d for me to transfer all my files from kor's lappy onto popa's lappy so that can pass the acer back to kor sometime today for his uncle. Surprised that all my files actually fit onto Noah's ext hdd! So yay for that.
Sleepy sleepy sleepy.
But now have to transfer all my files and the old original files from my broken lappy to popa's lappy. Sigh sigh sigh. And still lots of work to do. Oh well. Must try not to stress. Man man lai as Ya would say (:
Reunion dinner tonight. Apparently cannot wear black. Must wear bright and colourful. My grandma's kinda particular about that.
That means I literally have no clothes to wear.
Off to tranfer files now!
While watching NEXT.
Where Nicolas Cage looks like a pedophile trying to hit on young smokin hot Jessica Biel (;
9:40 AM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Lousy lousy day. Woke up super early to start work then went back to sleep after doing some. Woke up at 9:300am to carry on doing work and have been continuing to do so for the whole day. Got a super headache in the afternoon from the smell of my mum and my aunt making love letters =_=" (something to do with that hot heaty sweet kinda smell). Took panadol after eating and took a short nap. Got up and carried on doing work.
I don't even know why I'm blogging cause it's been an uneventful, uninspiring day. I have worked my arse off and I've not even managed to fully finish my typography and mark-making studies... And I'm not even going to talk about the stupid grid exercise that I haven't even started. It's a freaking nightmare. I just feel like going to sleep and not waking up.
Let me make a list of stuff I have to do.
1) Finish typography exercise
2) Finsih mark-making exercise
3) Start grid exercise
1) Finish umbrella joints study
2) Come up with initial ideas for moveable joint
3) Choose final idea
4) Make moveable joint
5) Document with pictures
Drawing Fundamentals:
1) 3 experimental studies on using wet and dry media on rulers.
Drawing Development:
1) Paint tree
2) Paint interior/exterior of house
1) Make album
2) Finish notes in sketchbook
1) Start thinking about essay if got the time
I'm upset now. And I'm not even sure if it's the work.
I don't know what's wrong with me recently.
7:45 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Alrighty in this short period of time I have sorted out what work I have to do this short short short holiday :D, almost decided to go out shopping, uploaded my pics from my phone and now feel like taking a very very very lazy nap because of this amazing cool cloudy dark weather. Which I shall indulge just as soon as I post a few pics!

This was the rose that Noah gave me yesterday when he asked me to be his Valentine even though he can't actually come out for Vday haha! It's his last week in outfield.. Sucky timing huh? Anyway, even though I don't usually like roses, white roses has got to be one of the few exceptions.. [=

Taken while enjoying a mac breakfast at JE that I owed Noah from like 2 weeks ago! :D
Super nice (jap i think?) spaghetti place at Marina Sq. Really damn nice... I had buttery corn spaghetti... First time ever! Yum yum!

And finally - my newly re-blinged phone! [[= the reason for my new furry pink(!) bunny phone pouch. LOL[= (which i shall take pictures of later along with my new super ke ai de nappy!)
But for now...
6:08 PM
Wanted to do a blog change but settled for a skin change instead. Yes indeedy. Lots of stuffs have been going on recently; mostly not good but I think I'm finally over it (: which is kind of why I wanted the blog change... But couldn't find a nice skin or url since i actually kinda like shutyourprettiemouth so just settled for a really old old OLD skin I have saved on my ext hdd.
Had a lot of things I wanted to blog about since last night, but kinda forgotten them already now. Sigh. Hmm... Oh yeah! Went out with Noah on Saturday. Got up super freaking early on a weekend so that can rush down to boon lay to surprise him when he books out but guess what? He actually book out early on Friday night and told me Saturday instead so that he could surprise me! Haha. Both of us trying to surprise each other in the end I surprised him by telling him I want him to come over to my place but instead waiting for him at the JE station, where he...
I was sitting on the front steps in front of everyone with my freaking half head of white hair talking to him on the phone and he completely just walked past me still talking. HAHA. My hair is like a stupid beacon and he just totally didn't see it! (: it was great haha - I couldn't stop laughing at him. :D
Anyway. I finally got to go shopping at Bugis. Got to see my cute guy too! He's really super cute la. Hehe. Anyway, shop shop shop! Then Noah not feeling so good so went back home early. Sunday was my baby nephew, Gerald's man yue but Noah was sick so ended up going with my family. Gerald was really so cute! But heard from my cousin that he's a super cranky baby =_=" I got to carry him which was a little wierd but kind of amazing that that warm little slightly heavy bundle in my arms with a slightly floppy neck was an actual baby! Who spent 9 month's in my cousin's tummy and is gonna grow up into a normal sized boy and eventually a man! o_O. Hehe. Also found out some pregnancy facts that I never needed to know. I am never having a baby now... Needles, slitting places that shouldn't be slitted, stitching... Bleagh.
Ended up meeting him again at Redhill to go down to Far East to change my nose piercing - finally! :D Now I have this sparkly kind of diamond one. Yay! Then home-ed to put up the CNY decorations before my dad and pea come back (:
Spent most of this morning looking for a suitable skin after chatting online till kinda late. Heeh. Now gonna start my work at 3pm :D Lots to do... so
1:40 PM
aka [vivi]
.lasalle sia
.goth .lolita .punk
.shopping addicted
.hearts Pretty Things and Uniqueness
.i'm rough and dirty; not a trace.
.i party till dawn
.i shop till dusk
.and I don’t need a reason
My Lil brother.
My baby Noah(:.
My Good&Best Friends.
Retail Therapy.
Tiny Flower Bouquets.
Tattoos Piercings&Messy Hair.
Goths Lolitas&Punks.
Sweet Drinks&Jamoca Ice Cream.
Romantic Comedies.
Big Earphones.
Rockin Bass.
Loud Music.
To bling my phone
Lip piercing
Tongue piercing
Get bike license.
More ankle-breaking heels :D
My many many tattoos