Saturday, January 26, 2008
Slept at 4:30+ am. Woke up at 9am so that I can make it to school to meet Yaya at 11am.
Feel like I haven't slept at all.
The whole study room damn bright. ]=
Sun stop shining please.
9:05 AM
Friday, January 25, 2008
I gotta get my body moving shake the stress away...
I've just noticed... how come people only start to come online once the clock hits 11pm+? Hmm? Lol. Don't people treasure their beauty sleep? Ahh.. the twenty-first century revolution of the night :P
I wanna take you away...
In 10 years time I bet you don't see people around wandering around during the day anymore. We'll be somewhat like vampire bats unconsciously hibernating during the day and only really coming out at night. To feed and socialise and party. Woo hoo! LOL.
Lets escape into the music...
As you can probably tell I'm taking a break from doing work and coming online to unwind a bit. I mean seriously, how many different ways can a person write their name. There's only so much I can take :D
DJ let it play...
Speaking of music.. Lol, my clubbing buddies have deserted me this weekend. Sigh. Nobody can make it. -looks around. Anyone want to go clubbing on saturday night? Hmm?
Please don't stop the music...
On a rather random note: had the first really enjoyable talk with Noah in a long time. (: Hope that there will be many more to come..
my name is calling out to me :D
11:56 PM
OMG! speaking of college. Fucking hell, guess what time this stupid girl woke up at this morning? Hmm?
Almost 3PM!!!
Bloody hell. I slept through my entire DD class and through enough of Ms Dahlia's make-up class that it wasn't worth rushing down for the remainder.
Guess what that means?
More work to catch up this weekend.
But nothing's gonna take the smile off my face (:
I'm so happy
I'm happy happy happy
5:05 PM
Haha my mum reads my blog! How hip is she? ((: i love her. lots and lots lol.
Just got off the phone with mutti and pea.. damn it was good to hear their voices... They'll be coming over for CNY after my pea's mocks are over :D
My mutti will be back when i reach home from school next friday (oh yeah... :DD).
Haha, all is good in the world of vivi!
In a short while i get to be my daddy's lil girl again hehe... woot! Introducing our Daddy's Girl, Adorable Daughter and Awesome Older Sister (ha! i wish LOL) special package - available only during major holidays such as the Celebration of the Birth of our Christ, the End of a Miserable Year, and the Festival of Gorging on Pineapple Tarts!.
Haha. On the other hand though, am awaiting the inevitable fate of being kicked out of the house once my dad sees the pictures i sent to mutti. Sigh.
Oh well, rich artists never made it did they? (well not the truly famous ones anyway xP) Hmm? They were pretty much all dirt poor, misunderstood and truly pitiful creatures with very loud pieces of art.
Well, guess I still have a chance then :D
Alright, as you can guess I'm still a bit on a high from my earlier talk so I think it's best if I just end things here lol. I'm now off to write letters to Yaya, Jia, Yanyan, Yejin, Noah and perhaps my family too :D
Don't want to think of work for awhile... (:
4:54 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Woke up early-ish this morning. Wow, Yaya's tea that she bought me really helps to induce sleep! I drank a big mug of it while talking to Yan online and my eyelids kept getting heavier and heavier till I was squinting at the lappy screen through these tiny tiny slits haha. Then I shifted my butt onto my oh-so-convenient bed in the study and before my head even touched the pillow... knock-out!
Hehe, so thanks Ya! ((:
Now I'm going off to do some researches for our 3D project. Then I want to do some 2D and hopefully get my haircut... Then spend tonight doing as much research as possible for the CCS presentation! So that... I can go clubbing on sat! Haha. Damn long since the last time i went.
Plus jie went last night, and when she smsed me I was already in my pjs with tea-infused drowsiness LOL. Too lazy to haul ass to go zouk. :P
Alright, I'm off already!
9:19 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
And all I want to do is ride bikes with you
Good good mood. Finally lol. Wanna know why? Hmm?
After almost half a month of agonizing over what to do... I have finally figured out what I want to do. :D Yay me. -rolls eyes. LOL. I should actually say thank u to Connie, Carol (and Yan for saying the one line that made up my mind) and Michelle and Keem for having been together for as long as I can remember.
"Cause she loves him."
And I do.
So thanks Yan (:
Now I'll be off to get more of the never-ending work done. :D Or at least attempt to put a dent into the mountain of assignments hehe.
On a completely random note: my arm itches like fuck. Anybody wanna play noughts and crosses? LOL.
And stay up late and watch cartoons
8:02 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, always hopes, always perseveres.
...And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Thank you ya.
I Love You dearie.
You somehow always manage to be there for me.
8:15 PM
I'm the voice inside your head
Haha was hinted at to blog more often...
Only thing is... There's not much to say, everything is up there, crowding my head.
Did a little work today but too pre-occupied to do much.
In the end hardly did anything. Now gotta rush my stupid shoebox camera for photography lesson tomorrow. And I have no black spray paint. Grr. It's a good thing I kinda like Mr KC. He's so excited and stuffs about his classes it's hard not to feel optimistic hehe.
Got a ton to do for 3D...Must come up with a mini model for next lesson.
And my stupid 2D, got most of the sketches down but still a bit uncertain as what to do for the final logo and type.
Plus got my lousy CCS presentation on Henri Matisse in the Art Nouveau period in France which I still have yet to touch.
And I have like a fuckload of shit to print from the learning portal.
Gah. I'm going to stop sitting in the dark now and do some of those things.
You refuse to hear
7:32 PM
What if I say I'm not like the others?
That day at Bugis...
You asked why I didn't want you to come in
With me.
And I couldn't answer.
I'm sorry.
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
9:24 AM
Too many times, you haven't realized
The weekend was... confusing.
Ended up seeing Noah even though I initially planned not to.
Sunday was our 11 month anni.
Yes I still love him
But no, I still don't know what it is that I want.
Next month will be our 1 year anniversary.
And that V-day.
I wanna bake cute cookies and yummy brownies like Colleen and Xinya.
Everything I touch always ends up chau ta.
Including people.
Let me just concentrate on my work, yeah?
Hardworking Vivi this sem. Hopefully :D
Too many times, you made a mistake
9:11 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Finally got to eat the HUGE tau huay that I saw in Weiting's blog at the Cine HK Cafe. Yummy but a little expensive. Almost $6 for that thing =_=". Heh. Shared that, HK iced milk tea and stir fried noodles with Ethan there while having a good long talk and a ton of catching up. Feels like ages since we last met... Hopefully can meet more often in the future (: Missed him.
After eating we went up to the 9th floor to rent a room at the EMAX theatre things where we watched Disturbia. Lol. It was freaking freaking cold. =_=". Br

r! The show was actually not bad :P Although like with all horror movies, the villian died a little too easily in my opinion, but hey I guess the human body just aint that strong :DD. LOL.
When we were about to part at Somerset MRT we ended up sitting down and just talking at the station while watching the trains come and go lol. And chatted a bit about how we should actually get on the trains at some point (going opposite directions). Haha, so that was a little funny.
Going to Youth Park for tmr's drawing lesson so it's Somerset for me again. Must wake up a little earlier +_+. Have a bad habit of being late. Then hopefully can meet Jeremy when he books out. Now it's been a hell of a long time since I met him... He hasn't even seen my (old) new hair yet :D so that should be interesting :P
Noah's still out in his directional out-of-field (?) so am waiting for his call (maybe) when he gets back. At the same time waiting for Ya's call. Worried about her ): Then I'll also call Ethan a bit later and I'm thinking of calling my family now since I'm home with some free time (:
Call call call. Hmm.
11:09 PM
Day before yesterday Noah surprised me with a HUGE beautiful sunflower on his unexpected "night-out" from camp.
Made smile uncontrollably on the inside.
Outside still got some problem.
I love sunflowers.
Even though they're yellow and remind me of the sun; two things that I typically don't like. :P
3:30 PM
Is it ok now?
Your voice makes me feel all warm inside.
But the things I know we'll say,
The inevitable arguments,
I don't want to pick up the phone.
Sometimes time and space is just the best thing.
That and a shit load of work.
1:27 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
You walk home in the
Even though you have
an umbrella.
Not knowing whether it's your
or the
you're tasting
when you open your mouth.
When the water
from your lashes
warm and
onto your cheeks
like the
you want
After last night.
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
7:04 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Very lazy girl. Hehs. This whole weekend I have basically done no work. None. Zip. Nada. I think it's pretty ok though because most of the assignments all research (which I couldn't do till today anyway since my lappy kena broken. ]= ... Thk u to kor who was nice enough to lend me one of his ! :DD)
Aniwae, wanted to come online to bloggy a bit before starting my researches later. First week of school back, everything's still gooood. Felt like pon-ing school on friday; woke up late and felt damn damn lazy but in the end hauled ass to get to school. Then basically did nothing but some minor research in the library. Waste waste of time leh :PP But ok ba. At least got some stuffs done!
Started my savings plan thing but didn't expect transport to cost so much! Already put in 30 bucks in one week liao! Crap la, I had to take money out of my food allowance to pay for transport but bo bian cause really gotta start saving more moolah. This weekend only had $12 then spent almost $10 eating out when went out shopping with baby on Saturday. Lucky today spent whole day at home so I still got $2 left :DD
Food = ex. Transport = ex. Things that I want also = ex.
Oh well. (: On the plus side. Went visit tattoo parlours with Ashley and Yaya. Found out the budget and how long it will take. Che. Not as bad as I thought it would be but ya... Must save up first! Hehe. Will be with me till they bury me so must be good.. Lol.
Still dreaming about my lip and tongue piercing...
(then think about my parents going crazy... and then I think maybe can wait a bit more la :DD HAHA. Aiyah.)
On another random note, everyone's blogs who I read all seem to be all happy and in luuurrrvvveee. Hehe. I'm still happy. And in lovee. But not always at the same time. Sigh. I know i'm not good in relationships. At all. That's why I actually don't want a long term thing la, so much easier that way, but I ended up with my baby. And I still love him and am glad for everyday that I'm still tgt with him... Sounds all good right? So where's the problem? ...I just keep waiting to screw it up. It's inevitable someday. Either that or he gets tired of me/I get tired of him etc etc. Then drama ensues. Sigh. No wonder I have such issues with marriage haha!
Okok la. Shall not think so much. Just do what feels right ya? ((:
Nod nod.
Enough rambling liao. My itunes has started playing classical. Where did that come from?? Haha. Must be kor's music la since all the music I imported from the lappy ^_~. Anw. I shall now attempt to start my reseach... This semester suddenly seems so short. Can't believe assessments are in just 3+ months...
Oh! Yaya and I met this guy working in Seow Choon (or smth like that) the other day and wah, his description of his life before at LaSalle like so slack! Don't give us poor current students so much work and stress can?? Lol. Imagine, go sot long before even graduating and succumbing to the tyranny that is the outside working world. So sad right? :DD
Haha, I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore so I think that's my cue ya ((:
8:05 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Hey to anyone who still reads my blog ^_~
Sorry for the lack of updates and stuff. My lappy has died. I managed to coax it to turn on and actually get online. Fingers crossed that can post this before it restarts on me again.
This sucks. ]: no MSN, no blog, no fb, no research = no work done.
Ahh better go before my luck runs out :D
Ta for now!
4:47 PM
aka [vivi]
.lasalle sia
.goth .lolita .punk
.shopping addicted
.hearts Pretty Things and Uniqueness
.i'm rough and dirty; not a trace.
.i party till dawn
.i shop till dusk
.and I don’t need a reason
My Lil brother.
My baby Noah(:.
My Good&Best Friends.
Retail Therapy.
Tiny Flower Bouquets.
Tattoos Piercings&Messy Hair.
Goths Lolitas&Punks.
Sweet Drinks&Jamoca Ice Cream.
Romantic Comedies.
Big Earphones.
Rockin Bass.
Loud Music.
To bling my phone
Lip piercing
Tongue piercing
Get bike license.
More ankle-breaking heels :D
My many many tattoos