Why is all we ever do is fight?
9:39 PM
Overslept this morning. AGAIN. Argh! I think it has something to do with me not feeling well ]]: I'm oversleeping a lot recently. Anw. Took the chance to go see the doc again.. Haha me and him are good buddies now LOL! Was told that I won't recover till my assessment week is over cause apparently all the stress and not enough sleep is stopping my body from repairing and getting over the illness. Shall have to bear with being sick for the next 3 weeks then.
11:53 AM
Felt really unmotivated to do work today so stayed behind after class to shoot bits of our documentary for the Japan Film Fesitval project for IS with Yakka. Was surprisingly fun hehe (: Also got to enjoy yummy corn bread ice-cream as a reward for all our hard work! :DD
9:04 PM
Spent almost one whole hour sorting out all my drawings etc etc and compiling the longest list ever of work I need to get done.
3:08 AM
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
6:15 PM
K.I.L.L.E.R headache this evening when i readhed home coupled with a fever kind of slightly dented my study-plan for tonight... but no worries! Popped it a panadol took a shower and now I'm ready to roll! Keke. Short update before I do tho.
9:07 PM
...And the weekend is over once more. Vivi is suffering from Monday blues xPP Hehe.
9:14 PM
Finished my pasting on my wire cubbie. Now collecting items to do my tonal shading still life for Dahlia.
6:38 PM
3:25 PM
Woke up late didn't go HweeHwee's class in the end which was a blessing in disguise apparently as the lesson was a total waste of time according to my friends. Went to go for my follow-up check up with the doc. My cough is getting better. On the minus side though, I've got even more meds to eat now. x_x
2:38 PM
Oh wow. I just finally finished my perspective drawing of the corridor outside. I can't believe I sat outside on the cold hard floor and drew for 3 hours. It took me 3 hours to draw one stupid perspective! It's now 3 am :D
2:54 AM
It's 11.02pm. Just reached hme after a longgg day of drawing 2D at TCC cafe (miserable attempt to lessen my pileup of work =_=").
11:02 PM
Why is it that my alalrm NEVER wakes me up??
8:53 AM
Muahaha.! Just finished my 3 contour drawings. And before 3am too! I rock :DD
2:28 AM
WTF. Lol. So long nevr update now chiong-ing 3 contour drawings for 2D class tomorrow which I was only told about 20 minutes ago!! Argh!!
12:33 AM
Hmm... Sorry for the very short hiatus. I'm now blogging from an expensive mac com at my school in the middle of an incredibly boring IT lesson. Haha. I have never been so bored of photoshop. xP
4:48 PM
My aunt just collapsed and is in the ICU.
9:29 AM
7:59 AM
Woke up late ]:
11:07 AM
Today has been a sucky day.
6:26 PM
Oh! Before I get started on today I forgot to mention smth. On Saturday, when Baby came over, he bought me a present!
And it was all wrapped up so pretty too! Kekes!
So pink underneath all the pretty wrapper! xP
Kawaii~~! right?? Hehe!
So thanks Baby for the pressie! I loved it.. esp with the special meaning behind it (those who've watched My Girl will get it :DD) and I'm sorry I forgot to mention it in the entry before..
Ok... Today. Went to help out at the exhibition. Not bad actually, was kind of fun xP. Got depressed looking at all the amazing work tho... Cause everyone knows only the good stuff gets to be put into an exhibition. xP But who cares when it's that good!
Walked around Bugist St with Ya and helped her pay for her cute white cosplay dress type thing for Halloween first. She now owes me $126. It's amazing how trusting I am with lending my money eh? ^_~ -jks!
Reserved 2 things for myself but will visit Far East once more before I decide whether or not I want to get them.. Hmm. How I hate decisions.
Then met my mutti for amazingly yummy Din Tai Fung. Mmm! Keke.
Now slacking again cause I don't feel like doing work. What is wrong with me??!! I still have so much left to do...
Somebody motivate me please?? ]:
8:59 PM
Woke up early (at 6am) so that I could get a tiny bit of work done before I have to start getting ready for school at 8am since I slept so early last night after talking to Baby.
6:24 AM